Cleric urge Churches to imbibe technology ,charges Plateau Gov,Mutfwang on righteousness

Pst.Adewumi Dare,Presiding Minister UGFTC Worldwide
By Edward E.C
The Presiding Minister of the United Gospel Faith Tabernacle Church Worldwide,Pst Adewumi Dare,has affirmed his Church position on the Biblical principle of tithing.
The cleric also indicated that the Church of Jesus Christ should imbibe modern technology to propagate the gospel.
In this exclusive press interview with our reporter, Pst. Dare, a called holiness preacher of the gospel shared some deep insight on the present moves of the Church vis-a-vis his admonition and prayers for the newly-elected Plateau State governor,Barr.Caleb Mutfwang.
Speaking on the true position of tithing as posited in the Holy Scripture,he said that their position is in tandem with the Bible.
“A lot of things have been mixed up.If the body of Christ all agree that the Bible is our standard,I believe that there should not be any controversy.The scripture admonished us to bring all the tithes to His store house,which is 10 percent of our income, does it make any sense at all to extract some part out of it.For He said He will open the windows of Heaven for us,so our stand is we believe in tithing in our Church.
On his Church strategy in addressing the modern day lukewarmness as regards the Great Commission of winning souls for Christ,he said that the Church should never be stagnant.
In his words:”One of the ways in which you know a living church is that it’s moving and dynamic.The methodology of 1960s,if you apply it today in terms of evangelism it may not give you the kind of results obtainable in the past.Therefore,we are also taking advantage of many things that where not available in the past like technology to advance the cause.So we believe that we can carry out evangelism in various forms in order to have maximum impact.
Responding on the uniqueness of the UGFTC,the Holiness Preacher said that the Church stand for Holiness.
“The Bible says,’we should follow peace with all men for without Holiness no man shall see the Lord,the reason we are in the church is to please God daily without compromise.So we stand out for Holiness and harvest of souls,it is our heart beat.We can’t afford to remain in our comfort zone when souls are perishing”.
Reacting on the emergence of the new Plateau State Governor,Barr.Caleb Mutfwang,he prayed for him and also charged him to follow the path of Biblical Caleb by governing on the tenet of righteousness.
“What is striking is that of his name,Caleb because Biblical Caleb was a man of faith.It was him and Joshua out of the 12 spies that Moses sent to go and view the promise land.The two were able to bring minority report that if the Lord be for us we will be able to conquer the land.
It was the same Caleb that came before Joshua and told him that his strength at 85 is like when he was 40 years,give me this mountain.
I pray for our governor that God will grant him strength not just in terms of physical strength but spiritual strength that will enable him bring development to the State.
I also urge him to uphold righteousness as a password because the Bible says,”when the righteous are in power the people rejoice but when the wicked rule the people mourn.
We have experience a lot of mourning on the Plateau and it is our prayers that mourning will turn to joy”.