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Today is the 3rd Day of our Annual Fasting/Prayer Summit with the theme:Looking unto Jesus.We took our anchor Scripture from the Book of Hebrews 12:2,which says ‘Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith’.The truth is that we can’t run the race of 2023 successfully without the partnership with Jesus Christ,And like someone once said,if Jesus is our Author it means that our lives are in chapters’.

I will throw this question to us,which chapter are you in life presently.It will only take the author of our lives to show us,so be firm with Christ because He is all-knowing.

Let me begin this exaltation with what I titled:YOUR PRAYER INFLUENCES YOUR WORK.

As a believer or leader your productivity or usefulness is predicated upon your prayers.Nothing brings more blessing and effectiveness as you visit your people.Nothing puts more of the seal of God upon you before your community or society.Nothing does more to win the hearts of your people or give you more spiritual stature and respected leadership than your prayer life.Nothing else can keep you spiritually refreshed,with messages constantly from the heart of God.Nothing does more to bring the anointing of God upon your leadership and Christian life.In fact Prayer is a very critical factor in this Kingdom.

It was that great outstanding Christian figure,E.M Bounds,commonly referred to as the ‘Apostle of Prayers’,who insisted that prayerless leaders or believers hinder God’s cause.”God wants consecrated men because they can pray and will pray…As prayerless men are in His way,hinder Him,and prevent the success of His cause,so likewise unconsecrated men are useless to Him,and hinder Him from  carrying out His gracious plans,and in executing His noble purposes in redemption”.

A New Testament leader has to be God-Made.God makes him during prayer.Many Christian leaders and believers are hypocrites in their prayer life.They urge others to pray and fail to do so themselves.Power in prayer has a direct relation to time spent in prayer.Only praying leaders have praying followers.

On a final note,prayer prepares you for every aspect of your work or assignment on earth.Prayer brings the divine addictive,fragrance that makes a distinctive difference in your life, words,and your work.

Prayer I must admit again makes you the person of God who is loved and respected by all.

Charles Ejoh,is the Presiding Minister of Christian Foundation International Ministry

He can be reached@christian foundation or whatsapp:08034810692

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