Prophet TB Joshua’s wife,Evelyn set to become overseer of SCOAN

Late Prophet TB Joshua and wife Evelyn
By Our Correspondent
The wife of the late Nigerian Prophet T.B Joshua and founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Evelyn Joshua, is set to become the Overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations .
Our source gathered that the church’s elders met recently and declared Everlyn as the successor to the Nigerian televangelist TB Joshua.
“Someone must take charge immediately and give spiritual direction on the mode of service continuity. So much spiritual and financial efforts went into building SCOAN and it cannot just waste away,’’ a close aide revealed.
Evelyn met the late pastor in 1990 when she had traveled Egbe to visit her sister.
It was further reported that she had gone to meet him for counseling and spiritual guidance.
TB Joshua proposed to her on the same day they first met after a 45-minute session.
Evelyn would later marry the self-proclaimed prophet to become second in command of the Synagogue, Church of All Nations.
The Nigerian media estimate TB Joshua’s networth at $10million, placing him among the top richest pastors on the continent.
Apart from preaching, Evelyn also offers counseling among the church followers.
The two were married for 31 years and have three children until his death on June 5, 2021.
Family sources say the leader will be buried at his church in Ikotun, Lagos state.
Though there was conflicting report that the prophet will be buried at his home town in Ondo State.
The church elders and family members later intervened and decided that the pastor will be buried in Lagos on July 7,2021.
TB Joshua’s method of preaching and practice was more or less the same as other churches in Nigeria where the sick got cured, problems addressed among other issues.
Although the religious leader assembled a lot of avid followers, Prophet T.B. Joshua also had his share of critics who categorized him as a charlatan and sorcerer.
There are many others within Nigeria and in the international community who condemned the controversial preacher on his stand on homosexuals when he exercised deliverance on some of them which resulted the removal of his Emmanuel TV from the you-tube channel.
Some individuals cast aspersion over his ‘miracle powers’ that saw him attract mammoth crowds whenever he had a mega rally.
Through his ministration, congregants would fall down in what he described as casting out demons from the afflicted while others labeled him as one of the greatest magician of all time .
Speaking on this development, a notable gospel minister in Jos,North-Central Nigeria confided to the EAGLE EYE WATCH NEWS on the transition of leadership in SCOAN , he said it is part of extending the family empire as Church has now become a family business in Nigeria.
”It is an end-time phenomenon that has no scriptural backing. In fact it is a Pentecostal’ spirit’ ,where a founder dies and leadership is given to the wife to continue the “business empire” they refer to as church”.