PUBLIC NOTICE:Birthday Felicitations to a Woman of God

Mrs.Ijeoma Ejoh-Charles
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Dearest Mummy,Sister Ijeoma Ejoh_Charles
On this occasion of your birthday,it’s with great joy and happiness that we join your family,friends,and well_wishers to extend to you our felicitations and best wishes.
Sis.Ijeoma,you are exemplary in many ways:a paragon of beauty,but more in character.Simplicity enmeshed in humility;a rare gem.As the wife of our Executive Director,Charles Ejoh,you are a pillar of immense support to your husband,and a source of both inspiration and joy to many.
On behalf of the entire Board Members and Staff.We wish to say
Congratulations,and pray that the Almighty God grant you many more fruitful years in good health,and prosperity.
Signed:Directorate of Public Affairs
For:Management(Eagle Eye News Media)