NGO Empowers Widows in Jos

Mrs.Mabel Amobi,President Delighters Empowerment Initiatives
By Magdalene Barnabas
The year usually climax in Thanksgiving by different organisations all over the world.It was on this premise thatthe management and staff of Delighters Empowerment Initiatives(DEI)held its annual End of the Year Thanksgiving and Empowerment programme in Jos,Plateau State,North-Central,Nigeria.
EAGLE EYE NEWS24 reports that the event was a delight to many who graced the glorious event of the faith-based Non-Governmental Organisation.
Speaking exclusively to the EAGLE EYE WATCH, President of Delighters Empowerment Initiatives Mrs.Mabel Amobi,said that the DEI is a faith-based NGO founded to cater for the widows, orphans, less-privilledge and youths.
The Woman of God recounted how in a vision the Lord God led her to pioneer this laudable initiative about 13 years ago despite not being a widow until her husband went to be with the Lord in 2019.
In her words:”It was about 13years ago,I had a vision of the Lord to pioneer this organization of catering for widows,less-privilledge,orphans and the youths even when I was not a widow but as God will want it, my husband died. It was at this point, I now realized why God gave me this assignment”.
Responding to the question on partnership on funding by donor agencies: ”We don’t have any funding partners for now”.
Mrs.Amobi used the opportunity to encourage widows to rise above their predicament and face the challenges squarely.
According to her:”It is the only way they can be bless and eliminate loneliness which sometimes goes with widowhood.
Adding that the success of the programme was solely the handiwork of God while also appreciating all that made the event glorious.
On his part the Guest Minister,Rev(Bar)Tony Nwechie admonished the initiators of the NGO for their steadfastness,adding that he delights in identifying with such noble initiatives of empowerment of widows and the less-privilledge.
Responding on the challenges in ministry the legal practitioner cum Minister of God,Rev.Nwechie said that ministry is all about God,while also acknowledging the vicissitudes in ministry.
“Well ministry is all about God and there are vicissitudes in ministry but the Bible encourages us that he that endureth to the end shall be save.
We are appointed unto challenges but at the end Jesus will be glorified”, he said.
The event climaxed with the empowerment of widows with the distribution of gifts to widows.