SERMON:The Force of Prayer(2)

Charles Ejoh,Presiding Minister Christian Foundation International

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By Charles Ejoh

Last week I started a message I entitled:The Force of Prayer.Today I will continue from where I ended.

Prayer like I said is oxygen  to a Believer,it is the very essence of our living and success especially in this present world that is full of spiritual and physical battles.In our Ministry today the Lord permitted me to speak on Spiritual Warfare.Men and Brethren it was awesome in His presence to understand some spiritual battle strategies.

JESUS in Matt. 22:21-22 said,” Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye say unto this mountain, Be thou remove, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

     Power to move mountains! That is what Jesus said. His promise includes that and more; it includes:

   “and all things”.And all things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” It sounds too good to be true, but it is true.

     Perhaps friend, at this moment you are weighed down with a heavy burden. It may be that a serious illness has come to you or a member of your family. Or it may be that you are wrestling with embarrassing financial problems. Whatsoever your need might be, at your finger tips is the means by which you can solve every problem. You who are sick, in your very room there is a power waiting to be released that can set you free from every illness and disease.

 Are you reading this message or watching or listening and you are stagnated, limited, delayed in your pursuit of destiny. Whatsoever the situation is effective fervent prayers can turn things around. We can pray along with you in this matter and God will certainly show up. This is not an academic discourse but practical message .By  God’s grace I have experienced tremendous answers to prayers. I have so many unbelievable  testimonies on answers to  prayers.

           The power of prayers !  Yes! But you must learn the secret by which you release this power. Just wishing for things to get better won’t bring the result. You have probably found this out already;  yet, the right kind of prayer,the kind that Jesus spoke about when He said, “If ye ask anything in my name, I will bring the answer without fai6. (John. 14 14)

  Learning how to pray effectively is one of the most important things a believer can do in his or her Christian walk with God. Really, a believer cannot be a success in this world if he or she does not know how to pray according to Biblical principles. Remember it is only the” effectual fervent prayers of the righteous” that avails much.(James 5:16).       

Perhaps one of the most common ways in which people weaken their faith is the assumption that many of their prayers are not answered because it is not the will of God to answer them. While it is true that people sometimes ask for things that are not His will to give, the fact remains that many things they ask for are in harmony with the revealed will of God. It is the will of God that the sick be healed. It is the will of God that we have good health. It is the will of God that we have victory over oppression and fear. It is the will of God that our daily needs be supplied. It is the will of God that we have the joy of the Lord in our heart. It is the will of God that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prosper.(111 John.2)

        Let us get this straight. God doesn’t want His people to reconcile themselves to defeat and failure in their prayer life. He wants them to have tangible results from their praying just as people did in the Bible days. Prayer isn’t a  last resort to turn to in an emergency. Prayer is an essential part of our day by day life. When we learn the secret of  praying,  our whole life will become a succession of  miracles.

        Look at the mighty answers to prayer the men of the Bible experienced. When Abraham at advanced age desired God to give him a child of his wife, Sarah, God miraculously strengthen Sarah’s  womb  so that she could bear him a son.

          Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, once a common adventurer, but later to become a prince with God, wrestled with God in a night of prayer, while his brother Esau rode toward him with an army seeking vengeance. He prevailed with God and God prevailed with Esau. ( Gen. 32-33)

Jerusalem was invaded  by a superior force of Assyrians that had been invariably successful in all previous campaigns. The resources of Hezekiah were no match for their great army. But Hezekiah prayed and that night a plague of death struck the invading host, and by morning 185,000 men lay dead. (11 Kings. 19:15 -35 )

         Shortly  after this, Hezekiah was sick  unto death, so that in the natural order of things there was no hope for his recovery. But Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and pleaded with God. The result  was that fifteen more years was added to his life.(2Kings20).

 Elijah prayed for the widow’s son who had died. Never before had life returned to any person after death had come. There was no precedent for raising the dead in all history. Yet, the prayer of Elijah reversed time and caused the dead boy to open his eyes and return to this world. (1 Kings. 17:20-23)

        Daniel prayed for the restoration of Jerusalem, which had been lying in ashes since the days of Nebuchadnezzar’s  invasion. The faithful prophet  lived to see King Cyrus make a decree permitting all Jews who would want  to return and rebuild their city. ( Daniel 9)

         Peter was cast into prison, and orders had been given for his execution. But the Church prayed without ceasing for his release, and lo, an angel of the Lord visited the prison and led Peter to safety.

         And thus we see again and again how God answered prayer for every conceivable need of His people and under every imaginable circumstance. Whether it was deliverance from sickness, or for a miracle of supply, for preservation from danger, for divine guidance, for saving one from dying of thirst, or for needed wisdom in ruling a kingdom, no matter what the need was, God supplied it in answer to believing prayer.

The law of receiving is positive and certain. Jesus said, “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For he that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth, and he that knocketh,  to him it shall be opened.”  What does this mean?  It means that there is an invisible Power about us, that is able to work out every problem, that will anticipate every need, and supply whatever may be required, a power so great that can change every negative situation. Does this sound too good to be true? As God is true, so the promise is true. Such answers to prayer can be yours too if you will take time to learn the secret. 

Thanks for giving us your precious time.Till I Come your way again .Shalom.

Charles Ejoh is the Presiding Minister of Christian Foundation International,a Non-Denominational End-Time Ministry based in Jos,Plateau State,North-Central,Nigeria.

He can be reached on:09033227058,08057625566 or whatsapp (09033227058)


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