EAGLE EYE NEWS MEDIA: 15 Years of Eventful Journalism

Staff,friends and well-wishers of EAGLE EYE NEWS MEDIA cutting the 10th year Anniversary Cake on August 12, 2016
The power of the press was captured very clearly by U.S iconic figure,William Rudolph Hearst when he made the sterling remark that:” The force of Newspapers is the greatest force in human civilization”. It was based on this understanding of the power that the media exert on the society that the EAGLE EYE NEWSPAPER came into existence to bring about societal change 15 years ago.
Just like the emergence of the first Nigerian Newspaper, ‘Iwe Irohin’which was founded by Rev. Henry Townsend entered into the Nigerian Society, its mission was clear ‘Tell the story, inform the people and defend the people.’ The impact was unprecedented, and since then, newspaper has morphed into a major part of the Nigerian experience but not without hitches.
Prior to its introduction, the newspaper had seen the feudal epoch, fought the tyranny of the foreign warlords; witnessed the transformation from a communal to capitalist people including the dawn of free Nigeria. It has forced and expressed public opinions, suggest and control legislation, punish criminals especially the powerful; The print media have seen the rise and fall of prominent men, of head of states in the manner they have kept record of diseases such as malaria; wars such as the Nigeria Civil War, Religious success and socio-economic foibles and gains.
Over time, the newspaper have become the companion of the intellects, the farmers, students, businessmen, traditional rulers and politicians, with the current technological advancement, the newspapers have evolved to become more user friendly, many don’t have to flip the pages any longer but click to see, hear and form opinions; from their houses, offices, farms, palaces, stores, class rooms, and even while transiting in the air, on land, or sea.
Today in what we call the fourth Republic, the newspaper can best be said to have seen it all. It has been in the fore front in the information dissemination, political struggle, economic and social emancipation for the well-being of the human race. The newspaper remain champions of the Nigeria stories.
It was on the wings of this greatness that Eagle Eye Newspaper with the mantra ‘towards an informed society’ was born to join in championing the course for a better and prosperous Nigeria.
This baby was conceived by a group of visionary and quintessential citizens, comprising of’: Patience Mgbeafuluba, Wale Salami, Peter Omachonu, Martins Danjagla, Izi Obed, Chinedum Iregbum, Kingsley Okonkwo and Joy Madubuike, men and women with genuine commitment and zeal to the progressiveness of the human race through information dissemination.
Fresh from the news room, with a soft-radiant and colourful mask-head, carrying an image of a staring Eagle, Eagle Eye Watch Newspaper was formally unveiled on August 12th, 2006 with a total of 12 pages of folded news content ranging from Business,Sports,Religion, Entertainment, Politics, and Foreign affairs.
Since August 13th, 2006 when the newspaper graced the newsstand, it has labored to live up to its mission of, ‘championing the cause of the common man and to enhance objectivity in the journalism profession vis-à-vis fostering an enabling work place for human development,’ through exclusive expository, descriptive, narrative and entertaining news contents to the delight of the public.
We have not distorted any story; but rather have unearthed sordid development, whether it is at Federal, State or local government level without fear or favour. Our criticism of bad government policy is superb and devoid of regional, ethnic, tribal or religious sentiments. We are not interested in whether the government, ministry or institution is headed by a man or woman, Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, Berom, Christian or Muslim underpinning our principle that bad policy is bad policy no matter how gorgeously it is made and presented but must be condemned especially if the common man has to bear the brunt.
As an advocate for good governance, we have not fazed in telling the story of Nigeria and uplifting high morals which we are made to represent. We have also been conscious of the tone of our stories on religious matters, weaving the Nigerian experience, without compromising the doctrine of fairness and equity.
We have been critical of the constant scourge of the Nigerian state: corruption, nepotism and religious intolerance. It has been a special part of us in the past decade.
We have also shown disgust at deepening poverty, health challenges among Nigerians, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the provocative glitzy of class, insensitivity of policy makers, the desperate backlash of the poor in the guise of militancy, and the rampaging Fulani herdsmen massacre, along with the lackadaisical attitude of government towards protecting the poor and innocent citizens.
We have exposed the mighty, fought for the masses, received and published public opinions, supported the anti-corruption crusade, give useful analysis on issues bothering on religious crisis, education and political restructuring among others while proffering short-medium and long term solutions.
Our editorials have concentrated on proffering solution to the many flashpoints and economic failure’s built around every level of our national life.
Most of all, we have not compromise in our resolve to champion true religion as posited in the Holy Scriptures in a polarized nation like Nigeria, we remain focused to this cause while adhering to the rule of law and all journalistic ethics.
For most part, within these 15 years period, we have seen impunity, maligning, intimidations and threats, and have been flattered with incentives to twist stories, however, we have managed to present a distinctive voice while refusing to be engrossed in the ‘Brown envelop syndrome’ associated with journalism profession in Nigeria, not only for today but for all ages.
Our effort and progress have been awesome, with giant developmental strides that has seen us expand with other ‘sisters’ publications, on-line publication and the TV arm.
In addition to all these feats, we have acquired modern facilities and equipment, couple with the introduction of our Journalism Academy that has trained hundreds of journalism graduates across the nation.
Nonetheless, we are not yet satisfied until we become one of the best media organisation in the world.
We congratulate ourselves on this auspicious occasion of being 15 to the extent that we have gained the attention of Nigerians, we remain committed to the Nigeria project as we continue to fight and advocate for equality, justice, rule of law, and a prosperous Nation where peace and unity shall reign.
Like the French will say,FELICITATION! Eagle Eye News Media.