ADVERTORIAL:Easter Retreat 2021

The Board, members,staff and partners of CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL Cordially invite the General Public to her forth coming Annual Easter Retreat scheduled to take place on Friday 2nd-Sunday 4th April,2021.
Time:Friday(10.00am&3.30pm)Saturday 10:00am and Sunday4;00pm daily.
Venue: Foundation Center Adjacent St.Murumba College,Ameh Close,Rock haven,Zaria Road,Jos,Plateau State,North-Central,Nigeria.
Please,plan to attend this Holy Ghost inspired programme as your life will never remain the same again.
Special Features include:Word Feast,Salvation,Healing, Breakthroughs,Deliverance and diverse miracles in all aspects of your lives.
Thanks and God bless you all.
Retreat Planning Committee
ENQUIRiES :09033227058,08057625566