SERMON:The Battle is of the Lord

Charles Ejoh Presiding Minister Christian Foundation International
By Charles Ejoh
Anchor Scripture: Revelation 12 vs7,2 Chronicles 20 vs 15
I want to use this opportunity to congratulate you for making it to another day and week.
Today I was led to speak on the topic: The Battle is of the Lord.
Battles are common experiences in life. We all face one form of battles in life. Be it marriage, finance, education, business, just to name it, the list goes on..
One thing I have often told my listeners, followers or readers all over the world is that life is a battle front. If you are not fighting something, something will fight you.
It will interest you to know that battles or wars did not start today. The Holy Scriptures made us to know that battles started in Heaven. In Revelation12:7,it states: there was war in Heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought back. Note that anytime you are in a battle for advancement in life the enemy will always want to resist you.
Men and Brethren the import of that verse of scripture collaborate my earlier assertion that battles originated from Heaven.
A lot of Christians are so ignorant and poorly revelated about the reality of battles in life.There territories, state, villages, cities have been taken over by external forces and they are busy lamenting. They forget that we are the image of God and as God’s image we resemble God even in character. No wonder the Psalmist echoed: Ye are gods.
Today we are in a very challenging period as a nation(Nigeria)there is confusion, insecurity, recession, just name it .In fact to better express it, Nigeria is under a siege presently. I see all these challenges as battles that can be overcome in the power of God.
Somebody recently responded to a post I sent out and with his poor judgement about my person, saying that I am a man of war and violence, giving the impression that he is a man of peace. His grudge I believe was Just because our group are in support of peaceful #ENDSARS protesters not the hoodlums who later infiltrated the protests. I didn’t go hard on him when I saw his post.He didn’t know why I kept mute.
Nonetheless , I am expecting his apology because understanding his personality he has a record of anger and chronic temper that have stagnated him in life.
Sometimes a lot of person say things from an ill informed perspective.Just like that young supposedly ignorant fellow that did not understand the dynamics of battles and peace.He wouldn’t have reacted in the flesh over my views .
Remember, in Ecclesiastic 3 vs 1, 8 . It admonished us that there is a time [ season ] for everything. A time for war and a time for peace.
Hear me once again . The battle like my topic says, “ is of the Lord .’ The Lord God of Host , who is mighty in battle . In Exodus,He is referred to as the man of war. In, Rev 19 : 11 , He said with justice he judges and makes war .
No wonder our Lord Jesus emphatically told us in Mathew 12 : 11 , that , ‘ from the days of John the Baptist until now , the Kingdom of Heaven { righteous cause } suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force .So ,it means that violent cause is an ongoing thing . Therefore in order to reclaim our spiritual, political , economical , educational and whatsoever space we need to be violent . To be violent means , to be proactive,determine,dogged sensitive and prayerful in our approach.
The battle of the soul of Nigeria is in dire contention and as believers we need to forcefully and violently take or reclaim the soul of the nation before the enemy claim what belongs to us.
Believers , I say to you , Arise and Shine.
I declare the grace of God over your life. Take your inheritance by force. Life will not give you what you desire but what you demand. Let me make a clarification , when I talk about violence we are not encouraging you to go and take arms but if the need be defend yourself.
But most of the weapons we use are not physical as Apostle Paul reminded us in 2 Cor.10 vs 3-5. Even though we take physical action, or live in this world , we do not fight with the flesh.
Remember ,the battle is of the Lord.He alone is the Master strategist and He knows how to give you victory. Recall how He told King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah not to be afraid or discourage over the threat of defeat from their enemies: for the battle is not yours,but God,s.(2 Chronicles 20 vs 15). I do not know the battles you are going through but as you align yourself with God,s word and obey His directions and teachings you will come out victorious.
Hear me clearly : Our Weapons of battle or wars are not carnal { physical } . We rely solely on Spiritual weaponry like : Studying God’s Word , fasting, prayers, righteous deeds. .
Let me say something that will shock you, a large number of Christians are still sleeping and my honest prayers is that you will not sleep the sleep of death. When I say sleeping, I mean failure to pray, insensitive to the schemes of the enemy . I encourage every ‘serious believers’ to pray like the psalmist.
“ ….. O Lord my God, lighten mine eyes , lest I sleep the sleep of death .” Psalms 13vs3.
The Psalmist was acknowledging his prayerlessness to God .
For want of time , God’s willing I will continue the next part of this message when I would be giving you battle strategies of how to become victorious. They are working tools,I have applied them over the years and it works.I fought battles to come out of limitations, sin, and poverty.
Shalom (Peace be unto you).
Charles Ejoh is the Presiding Minister of Christian Foundation International. A non- denominational End – Time Message Ministry geared towards bringing global Christian re-awakening.
He can be reached through this number on Whattsapp 08034810692 or email: